Monday, April 9, 2012

LEGO: Wars/ Ninjago/ Pirates of the Caribbean & Toy Story Mini-figure Alarm Clock Available Now~

Star Wars Boba Fett Alarm Clock

Star Wars Captain Rex Alarm Clock

Ninjago Cole Alarm Clock

Ninjago Kai Alarm Clock

 Pirates of the Caribbean Jack Sparrow Alarm Clock

Toy Story Alien Alarm Clock


  1. hey~do you have stomp trooper alarm clock? i went to your store yesterday, unfortunately sold out. any other alternative that i cant?

    looking forward for your reply!

  2. Hi. Do u hv any stock for the boba fett & yoda alarm clock? Interested to get 1 each. If yes, pls let me know the price & from which outlet that I can purchase it from. Thx!
